A coral atoll in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park. Tubbataha is a Marine Protected Area and UNESCO World Heritage Site covering almost 100,000 hectares of the Sulu Sea. Palawan is part of the Coral Triangle, the geographic center of world marine biodiversity, and is a key source of coral and fish larvae for the Greater Sulu Sea. Palawan, 2018

Redtooth triggerfish and lunar fusiliers feeding on plankton just beneath the water surface.
Tubbataha Reefs is a Marine Protected Area covering almost 100,000 hectares of the Sulu Sea. It is part of the Coral Triangle, the geographic center of world marine biodiversity, and is a key source of coral and fish larvae for the Greater Sulu Sea.

An endangered whale shark (Rhincodon typus), in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Sulu Sea. Tubbataha is a Marine Protected Area and Unesco World Heritage Site covering almost 100,000 hectares of the Sulu Sea. It is part of the Coral Triangle, the geographic center of world marine biodiversity, and is a key source of coral and fish larvae for the Greater Sulu Sea. 2018

A hexagonal metal structure in the South Sea Reef Rehab coral garden supports growing coral fragments. Once mature, the corals will be transferred to the seabed, continuing to grow, reproduce and build up the reef. Palawan, 2017

A freediver working for the South Sea Reef Rehab checks coral health and growth. 2017

Hard corals planted on the seabed are a mixture of species which are native to the area. 2017

A school of herbivorous fish, mostly parrotfishes, graze on algae and dead coral. Parrotfishes, named for their beak-like teeth, play an important role in the reef as they feed on algae growing on coral thus preventing it from overgrowing and smothering the coral colony. 2018

Metal frames provide a stable base for coral fragments to grow in the Southsea Reef Rehab coral garden, Daplac Bay, west Palawan. The project, which began in 2012, has transformed a destroyed, unhealthy reef into a haven for marine life.

A school of herbivorous fish, mostly parrotfishes, graze and clean the reef in the South Sea Reef Rehab coral garden, a marine protected area in San Vicente. As they scrape up algae, they also ingest coral and rock, which they later deposit as sand. Palawan, 2018

A black tip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in the shallows of Daplac Bay. The conservation status of this species is Near Threatened. 2018

A school of herbivorous fish, mostly parrotfishes, graze and clean the reef in the South Sea Reef Rehab coral garden, a marine protected area in San Vicente. Palawan, 2018

A school of juvenile oxeye scad shelter in the shallows of a marine protected area. Once they mature, the scad will leave the refuge of Daplac Bay for the open ocean. Palawan, 2018

A school of juvenile oxeye scad shelter in the shallows of a marine protected area. Once they mature, the scad will leave the refuge of Daplac Bay for the open ocean. Palawan, 2018

A black tip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) and a school of oxeye scad (Selar boops) in the shallows of the coral garden. 2018